Aναπτυσσόμαστε για σας!
Εταιρικό Προφίλ
Λόγοι Προτίμησης
Συστήματα Αλουμινίου
Εξαρτήματα αλουμινίου
Φύλλα αλουμινίου
Πόρτες – πάνελ - θωρακισμένες
Ρολά – γκαραζόπορτες
Συστήματα σκίασης
Γυψοσανίδες - KNAUF
Συστήματα Φωτοβολταικών
Είστε εδώ:
User Profile
Manage Profile
You are not authorized to edit this user.
Indicates required fields
Authorize User
UnAuthorize User
Unlock Account
Force Password Change
User Name
Enter The User Name and click Validate to confirm
Security Role
Select The Security Role
Effective Date
Specify The Date This Role Assignment Should Start ( Optional ). Entering No Value Will Indicate that the role will start immediately.
Expiry Date
Specify The Date This Role Assignment Should Expire ( Optional ). Entering No Value Will Indicate No Expiry Date.
Send Notification?
Password Last Changed:
Date password was last changed
Password Expires:
Date password will expire
Change Password
Current Password:
Enter your current Password
New Password:
Enter the new Password
Confirm Password:
Confirm the new Password
Change Password
Reset Password
Password Question:
Enter a Password Question to be used when retrieving the password
Password Answer:
Enter an Answer to the Password Question.
Reset Password
Edit Question and Answer
You can update your password question and answer. Enter your current Password and the question and relevant answer you wish to use.
Enter your current password.
Password Question:
Enter the Password Question you would like to use. It shoul be something for which only you would know the answer.
Password Answer:
Enter the answer to the password question.
Save Password Question/Answer
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