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Πόρτες – πάνελ - θωρακισμένες
Ρολά – γκαραζόπορτες
Συστήματα σκίασης
Γυψοσανίδες - KNAUF
Συστήματα Φωτοβολταικών
Συστήματα Αλουμινίου
Εξαρτήματα αλουμινίου
Φύλλα αλουμινίου
Πόρτες – πάνελ - θωρακισμένες
Ρολά – γκαραζόπορτες
Συστήματα σκίασης
Γυψοσανίδες - KNAUF
Συστήματα Φωτοβολταικών
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3688 Masonic Drive
Powell, MT 82435
United States
406-574-9051 https://www.visatutuc.vn/dich-vu/visa-my/
The fiancee visa (K1 visa) is an American visa available to a foreign national who wishes to marry a US citizen. The KI
xin visa my
offers several benefits to the prospective fianc�e including:�
��Can get K2 visas issued for his/her children
��Can apply for a work permit
��Smaller waiting period than other marriage based, immigration visa petitions.�
Before the fianc�e (beneficiary) can apply for a K1 visa to the USA, the US citizen (petitioner) to whom he/she is engaged must place a petition (USCIS Form I-129F) on his/her behalf, with the USCIS (United State Citizenship and Immigration Service). The petitioner must possess proof of US citizenship and submit it to the USCIS when asked to. The approved petition is forwarded to the American Consular Office, where the foreign fianc�e would get the necessary instructions and forms to apply for a K1 visa.
A K1 visa necessitates that the applicant and the petitioner should be legally free to marry, both under the laws of the US as well as under the laws of the foreign country. They should have met each other in person within the two years preceding the filing of the alien fianc�e petition. However, this condition may be waived in certain special circumstances. Once the fianc�e has entered the US, he/she must marry the prospective spouse within 90 days.�
At the time of applying for a fianc�e visa, the fianc�e should submit documents such as a valid passport, birth certificate, proof of legitimacy of relationship with petitioner, proof that petitioner will support the fianc�e, and medical certificate. A fianc�e found eligible will be issued a visa that is valid for a
single entry
during a six month period.
K1 visas will not be issued to fianc�es who
��Are not eligible to be US citizens
��Have committed grave criminal acts
��Are drug addicts
��Have a communicable disease
��Have some serious mental or physical disorder
��Have used illegal means to immigrate to the US �
Once married, the beneficiary has to put in an application to the USCIS to establish a record of entry for conditional permanent residence status, and this status can be removed after two years with a further application to the USCIS.
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